Editor Guidelines
21st Century Publisher Mission
The 21st Century Publisher is a peer-reviewed open-access publisher on a mission to redefine science through a gold open-access model. Because we believe that modern science has the potential to improve humanity, we publish significant research and assist researchers in making discoveries, collaborating with colleagues, and obtaining funding. The 21st Century Publisher has been an active member of the global scholarly community, advocating for open research that transforms society and the dissemination of critical research. We are a new publisher committed to the long-term availability and preservation of scholarly research.
It is an honour for us to work with you, and this page will help you understand your responsibilities as an editor. Scientific Archives assists you in all aspects of fulfilling your editorial responsibilities on time.
21st Century Publisher & Open Access
"We can accelerate research, enrich education, share learning, etc., and lay the groundwork for uniting humanity by removing barriers to accessing literature...." — BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative), December 1-2, 2001.
"We define open access as a scientifically validated comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage."—Berlin Declaration on open access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, October 22, 2003.
Open Access— Creating research outcomes freely accessible to all is one way to address issues related to research material access.
21st Century Publisher, in accordance with BOAI's "statement of principle, strategy, and a commitment to Open Access" and the Berlin Declaration, is here to empower researchers through rapid open access publication.
With its dedication to open access to scholarly publications, 21st Century Publisher is promoting and empowering the scientific world globally.
Innovation at 21st Century Publisher
We continue to evolve and innovate what we offer by testing and learning from our open-access publishing practices. Here are some of our most recent innovations.
Rapid review process: Unlike the traditional review process, which can take months or years to complete, 21st Century Publisher uses a rapid review process that allows for shorter turnaround times.
Continuous publication: Instead of having to wait for all articles in an issue to be ready, 21st Century Publisher's new practise allows articles to be published immediately upon approval in a completely citable version alongside the DOI.
Article-level dissemination: It is clear that with the advent of Open Access, publishing conglomerates have lost their way in promoting each article. The dedicated marketing team at 21st Century Publisher ensures that each article receives the proper distribution and circulation.
More information on the special features of 21st Century Publisher journals can be found here.
Role as an Editor
As a publisher, 21st Century Publisher holds the greatest responsibility for the authors, peer reviewers, journal readers, and scientific community. By ensuring the quality of a publication, the Editor-in-Chief and Editors play a critical role in maintaining and upgrading the journal's standards.
Responsibilities of an Editor
- The editor is in control of determining which submitted articles will be published in the journal, and he or she is also responsible for all of it that the journal publishes during the editorial tenure.
- The editor should assess manuscripts for intellectual content regardless of the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, citizenship, or political philosophy.
- Until otherwise agreed by relevant authors and reviewers, the editor shall protect the privacy of submissions to the journal along with all journal communications.
- The editor is responsible for ensuring that the peer review process is fair, objective, and timely.
- In collaboration with the Publisher, the editor shall work to safeguard the confidentiality of the published documents by reviewing and assessing reported or suspicious misconduct.
Duties of an Editor
- Keeping the journal's publishing schedule on track by ensuring a steady supply of high-quality manuscripts.
- A new editorial board should be suggested and recruited.
- Handle/review the articles according to their availability. The editor's journal contact will assist them in handling articles, locating and assigning reviewers.
- Before submitting an article to a journal for peer review, double-check its scope.
- Supervise the peer review process and make sure that it is completed on time.
- Creating and managing journal special issues.
- Participate in journal development by providing advice on journal policy and scope.
- Promote the journal at relevant public events, such as conferences, seminars, and workshops. ix. Participate actively in providing new ideas and suggestions for improving the journal's standard.
Benefits for Editors: Since the majority of these positions are unpaid, we provide the following important benefits.
- Joining as an Editor can be a major leap in one's career.
- To be an Editor shows potential employers and funding agencies that you are active in your field.
- Editors will have advance access to the most recent research as well as interactions in your field of research.
- Serving as Editor broadens your understanding of editorial decisions and provides insight into the peer-review process.
- Expand your academic network and learn about other scholars in your field.
- Being an Editor will allow you to edit a special issue of your choice.
- Your biography and accomplishments, as well as your research profile, will be posted on the journal's website.
- Editors can publish articles in their respective journals for free.
- For articles commissioned by the editors, there will be no minimum processing charges or special discounts.
It is important to remember that the editorial office will support editors in all aspects of carrying out their duties. Editors are asked to contact the journal's managing editor for more information.
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