Reviewer Guidelines
21st Century Publisher Mission
The 21st Century Publisher is a peer-reviewed open-access publisher on a mission to redefine science through a gold open-access model. Because we believe that modern science has the potential to improve humanity, we publish significant research and assist researchers in making discoveries, collaborating with colleagues, and obtaining funding. The 21st Century Publisher has been an active member of the global scholarly community, advocating for open research that transforms society and the dissemination of critical research. We are a new publisher committed to the long-term availability and preservation of scholarly research.
It is an honour for us to work with you, and this page will help you understand your responsibilities as an editor. Scientific Archives assists you in all aspects of fulfilling your editorial responsibilities on time.
21st Century Publisher & Open Access
"We can accelerate research, enrich education, share learning, etc., and lay the groundwork for uniting humanity by removing barriers to accessing literature...." — BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative), December 1-2, 2001.
"We define open access as a scientifically validated comprehensive source of human knowledge and cultural heritage."—Berlin Declaration on open access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, October 22, 2003.
Open Access— Creating research outcomes freely accessible to all is one way to address issues related to research material access.
21st Century Publisher, in accordance with BOAI's "statement of principle, strategy, and a commitment to Open Access" and the Berlin Declaration, is here to empower researchers through rapid open access publication.
With its dedication to open access to scholarly publications, 21st Century Publisher is promoting and empowering the scientific world globally.
Innovation at 21st Century Publisher
We continue to evolve and innovate what we offer by testing and learning from our open-access publishing practices. Here are some of our most recent innovations.
Rapid review process: Unlike the traditional review process, which can take months or years to complete, 21st Century Publisher uses a rapid review process that allows for shorter turnaround times.
Continuous publication: Instead of having to wait for all articles in an issue to be ready, 21st Century Publisher's new practise allows articles to be published immediately upon approval in a completely citable version alongside the DOI.
Article-level dissemination: It is clear that with the advent of Open Access, publishing conglomerates have lost their way in promoting each article. The dedicated marketing team at 21st Century Publisher ensures that each article receives the proper distribution and circulation.
More information on the special features of 21st Century Publisher journals can be found here.
Role as a Reviewer
Peer review is an important part of the publishing process. External reviewers thoroughly peer-review all manuscripts submitted to 21st Century Publisher. As a publisher, 21st Century Publisher bears the greatest responsibility to its authors, journal readers, and scientific community.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
Confidentiality: Information should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside the review process unless the Editor approves, and materials under review should be kept strictly confidential. All communication during the review process should be kept confidential, and reviewers should not keep copies of any submitted manuscripts.
Competence: Reviewers must have sufficient expertise to provide an authoritative assessment of the article. Peer review is carried out by professionals who are fully knowledgeable about the subject. Reviewers should be open and transparent with the editor about their level of expertise, particularly if their knowledge of the particular topic is limited.
Constructive critique: The reviewer's responsibility is to focus on the strengths and provide valuable feedback to assist the author in resolving flaws in the work. Reviewer comments should illustrate the article's positive aspects, constructively point out any important steps, and list any changes that are required. Although reviews are private, reviewers may request two sets of comments: one for the author and one for the editor only.
Impartiality and Integrity: Reviewers should not use material available through peer review for scientific, financial, personal, or other purposes. The reviewer's comments and conclusions should be based on the contents of the article and not on personal or professional bias. The articles should be evaluated solely on the basis of their scientific merit, creativity, and writing quality, with no regard for the authors' race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, or citizenship.
Disclosure of conflict of interest: Reviewers should refrain from reviewing manuscripts for which they have or may have a conflict of interest. The reviewer can purely decline the invitation, or they can discuss their concerns with the managing editor/editorial office. Potential conflicts are those that arise from challenging, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the manuscript's authors, institutions, or companies.
Duties of Reviewers
- Reviewers must go through the journal guidelines and provide the editor with complete information.
- When a manuscript is assigned for review, the reviewer must check the scope of the article and decline the assignment if it is not related to their expertise.
- Reviewers must agree to review a manuscript only if they can finish it on time. They may, however, ask for an extension.
- If a reviewer believes that he or she will be unable to complete the review on time due to an unexpected change in circumstances, he or she must notify the editor. In these cases, the reviewer may request an extension.
- Reviewers must read the entire manuscript, including any supplementary files, and should notify the editorial office if any file required for the review is missing.
- Under no circumstances should a reviewer contact the authors directly.
- Reviewers must immediately notify the journal if they discover any scientific misconduct in the article, whether it is related to the originality of the research, the writing and submission of the manuscript, or resemblance to another article.
- Reviewers should not request that authors cite their own or associates' papers in order to enhance accessibility or citations.
Benefits for Reviewers: Reviewers who contributed their time are acknowledged in 21st Century Publisher. Because the majority of these positions are unpaid, the following are the most important advantages
- Unpublished papers provide a preview of the most recent research, allowing you to keep up with the rapid expansion of your field of expertise.
- Reviewing and identifying the strengths and weaknesses in others' research increases your likelihood of adopting the strengths and avoiding the weaknesses in your own.
- Working as a peer reviewer will help your career and can make a big difference in terms of employment, promotions, research and funding opportunities, and even your own publications.
- Reviewers will be given the opportunity to serve on an editorial or advisory board. Reviewers may even advance to the position of associate or chief editor for the journal.
- If the journal uses an open label review process, the names of the reviewers, as well as their review suggestions, will be published alongside the article (only if author & reviewer agree to it).
- Reviewers will be acknowledged and listed in the journal's annual reviewer acknowledgement.
- Reviewers will be rewarded with discounts/waivers for publishing an article in the journals on a timely basis.
- Reviewers can create a Publons profile and have their reviewing activity added to participating journals automatically. Their profiles can also be linked to ORCID.
- The editor will acknowledge reviewers with a certificate of recognition.
- If a reviewer has any questions about the policies for enlisting the assistance of others in the review process, he or she should consult with the editor. Reviewers are asked to contact the journal's editor/managing editor for more information.
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